When eating becomes a science… .

Here is an article published by the Wiener Zeitung (Viennese daily paper) in Austria. It raises several points I thought would be interesting to read and could be very helpful for others, so here is the translation. When someone suffers from one or more food intolerances then eating becomes a science Around 30 per cent…


Exclusive: 10 questions answered about Histamine Intolerance

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Raithel of the University Clinic of Erlangen (Germany) and his colleagues in Germany and Austria have worked on the subject of Histamine Intolerance for many years. Prof. Raithel has now given an exclusive interview. It should provide those searching for the cause of their symptoms with more information on how to…


Exclusivinterview: 10 Fragen & Antworten über Histaminintoleranz

This is the German version  of the article “Exclusive: 10 questions answered about Histamine Intolerance” for our visitors from the German language area! Dieses Interview dient zur Information bezüglich der Diagnose einer Histaminintoleranz. Prof. Dr. med Martin Raithel, Oberarzt am Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, und seine Kollegen in Deutschland und Österreich beschäftigen sich bereits seit langem mit…
