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If you accept all the praise, you have to accept all the critics.

– Chris Brogan, famous blogger

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The Histamine Intolerance Myth Buster

The internet can be a wonderful source of information but it can also lead to a lot of confusion. Here is the myth buster. NOT a myth: HIT is caused by the inability of the body to break down histamine sufficiently. This is because of the reduced activity or presence of an enzyme called diamine oxidase…


Scams exposed by BBC’s Rip Off Britain

The BBC’s Rip Off Britain program has just run a two-week, 10 part series on food, drawing attention to miss-information and exposing scams. Some repeats are being shown over the next week (BBC1, 9.15 am to 10 am Monday – Friday). This is an impressive series packed with factual and expert information. It ranges from…
