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If you accept all the praise, you have to accept all the critics.

– Chris Brogan, famous blogger

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Leaky Gut Syndrome – Fact or Profiteering?

Summary (simple language) The Leaky Gut Syndrome states that the gut is a garden hose with holes in it. Food components and bacteria enter the body through these holes. There they give rise to infections and illnesses. This is not true. The intestine is a highly complex organ that by its very nature has “holes”…


A mobile food diary for food intolerances and allergies

Histamine Intolerance Awareness often cooperates with the Food Intolerance Network, whose website also covers other food intolerances. One of the cooperative projects is a new food and symptoms diary app. The Food Intolerance Network has kindly given permission to forward the information about the mobile food diary app on Genny’s blog. It is very, very…
